- Checked the permission to webpart gallary. They all looked fine
- Checked the site collection's publsihing infrastructure feature and site level publishing feature. They are both enabled already. I went and disable and re-eanble any way.
- Went to Central Admin -> Upgrade and Migration and ran the "Enable features on Existing Sites".
- Checked the webpart gallery but didn't see the MSContentEditor.dwp on the list. Click new but still see it from the list.
Okay... after some more digging into his. I was able to resovle by running the following script to disable and re-enable the: 1) Basic Web Part; 2) Standard Site Collection Feature; and 3) Enteprise Site Colleciton Feature. The script traverse thru the web, locate the site collections, and disable/enable the features:
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://yourwebapp
$webApp | Get-SPSite -limit all | ForEach-Object {Disable-SPFeature -Identity "BaseSite" -Url $_.Url -Confirm:$False}
$webApp | Get-SPSite -limit all | ForEach-Object {Enable-SPFeature -Identity "BaseSite" -Url $_.Url}
$webApp | Get-SPSite -limit all | ForEach-Object {Disable-SPFeature -Identity "PremiumSite" -Url $_.Url -Confirm:$False}
$webApp | Get-SPSite -limit all | ForEach-Object {Enable-SPFeature -Identity "PremiumSite" -Url $_.Url}
Note that manually deactivate and activate these features thru the Site Collection Feature page does not help. For some reason, it needs to be done thru the command line.
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